
07. July 2024
Amy has officially started her new position as a Senior Scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Congrats!

06. July 2024
Amy has received an NSFDEB-NERC grant to investigate spatial and temporal tradeoffs in CO2 and CH4 emissions in tropical wetlands. The project involves collaborators from Brazil, US and UK, and we look forward to seeing their cool discoveries from Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brazil!

05. July 2024
Amy has received an AccelNet-Implementation Phase 1 grant to support MICROBENet-Net, a Multi-Institute Collaborative Research on BElowground plant-microbial interactions Network of Networks. MICROBENet-Net is recruiting researchers around the globe interested in networking on plant-microbe interactions. Learn more here, and fill out our interest survey here to get involved!

03. July 2024
Publication Alert! Baptiste just published some great work from his PhD, titled ‘Spatial variability in the contribution of termites to the decay of plant detritus’. Check it out in Austral Ecology!

26. June 2024
Publication Alert! Abbey co-led a recent paper published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution on modelling internal stem damage in live trees and using LiDAR to measure tree biomass. A big team was involved in this study, including other Zanne Lab members, so be sure to check it out here!

17. June 2024
Publication Alert! Yuri was a collaborator on a new paper out in PNAS titled ‘A global map of species at risk of extinction due to natural hazards’. Have a read here!

12. June 2024
Congrats to Bruna for receiving a fellowship award for a three-month internship at Wageningen University & Research working with the Forest Ecology and Forest Management (FEM) group!

15. May 2024
The spring semester is over! Zanne lab members are heading all over the globe to start on summer projects and fieldwork. Stay tuned for photos of our adventures.

10. May 2024
Yuri got funding for fieldwork from Lewis & Clark, the Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas, and the William H. Evoy Graduate Research Support Fund!

12. April 2024
Congratulations to Abbey for receiving an NSF INTERN award through her GRFP. She will use this grant to study applications of LiDAR in forest ecology!

01. April 2024
Yuri passed his PhD qualifying exams with flying colors - congrats!

01. January 2024
Publication Alert! Congrats Baptiste for publishing a new paper in Functional Ecology on drivers of wood decay in tropical ecosystems. Give it a read here.

12. December 2023
Publication Alert! Haba, a past postdoc in the lab, published a new paper in New Phytologist exploring internal stem damage along a tropical precipitation gradient. Give it a read here.

10. October 2023
Abbey had her termite methane reserach highlighted on the Australian Wildlife Conservancy webpage, check it out here!

20. July 2023
The Zanne Lab is coming back to Miami - Baptiste has moved to continue working on his postdoc with the lab and Amy is back from sabbatical in Brazil!

7. April 2023
Abbey successfully completed her proposal defense - congrats!

22. September 2022
A huge congratulations to Amy for coordinating and publishing a global wood decomposition study recently published in Science. There’s lots of buzz about this paper, so check out other summaries and interviews in this popular science article and this podcast. Not to mention, the study is featured on the cover of Science!

22. August 2022
This semester the Zanne Lab welcomes two new members to the team - Baptiste Wijas (postdoc) and Yuri Silva de Souza (PhD student). We’re excited to have such wonderful additions to our growing team here in Miami!

6. May 2022
Becca successfully defended her Doctoral Thesis, titled ‘Australian Termite Diversity’, and is now Dr. Clement! Thank you for all of your termite enthusiasm over the past 5 years, we can’t wait to see where science takes you next.

5. May 2022
Marc successfully defended his Masters Thesis, titled ‘Carbon in the Capitol’! The lab is so proud of Marc for all he has worked on in the past few years. Way to go!

8. April 2022
Check out this new paper from the Zanne Lab in PLOS Sustainability and Transformation on the hidden value of trees!

4. April 2022
A huge congratulations to Leona for being selected as a NSF GRFP recipient! Leona will be continuing on in her scientific career at Stanford University where she is starting her Ph.D. next fall. We are so proud of you, Leona!

5. March 2022
Amy gave a talk about Global Biodiversity in a Changing Climate as a keynote speaker at the CLEO Annual Climate Symposium. The talk was wonderful and inspiring, and stay posted for a link to the recording.

24. February 2022
Amy and Abbey presented at the Fairchild Botanic Garden Environmental Careers Day and spoke with students about careers in science!

2. February 2022
Congratulations to Abbey for passing her qualifying exam!

28. January 2022
Amy was recently featured in News at the U in an article titled ‘Researcher tackles the role of tree decay in climate change’! Check out the article here.

19. October 2021
We are recruiting for graduate student and postdoc positions in the Zanne Lab at the University of Miami. Please check out our postdoc listing here and join us in the UM Department of Biology!

2. October 2021
A big congratulations to Nora for winning Best Undergraduate Poster at this year’s Harlan Poster Presentation. Her poster, titled ‘Biodiversity in our Canopies: Modeling Global Distributions of Epiphytes’ was a hit!

1. October 2021
Check out two new papers from the lab: AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora (in Scientific Data) and The evolutionary assembly of forest communities along environmental gradients: recent diversification or sorting of pre-adapted clades? (in New Phytologist)

7. September 2021
Come join our lab at University of Miami - we are now recruiting at all levels to grow our lab here in Coral Gables. Check out our Vacancies tab for more information!

15. August 2021
The Zanne Lab has officially moved to Florida! Now, you can find us in the Cox Science Building at the University of Miami.

2. July 2021
Marc gave an awesome talk for the Smithsonian Gardens reporting on his ‘Carbon in the Capitol’ project. The presentation, titled ‘The Techno-Ecosphere: Using novel techonologies to understand carbon emissions and ecosystem function’ can be found recorded and ready to view here!

23. April 2021
Hot off the press: check out Becca’s new paper here!

14. April 2021
A big round of applause goes to Rose for recieving the GW Undergraduate Research Award! This summer Rose will be using the award to investigate deadwood lignin content, solar radiation, and sea level rise at the Virginia Coastal Reserve.

29. March 2021
Congratulations to Becca on the acceptance of her manuscript, Assessing the Australian termite diversity anomaly: how habitat and rainfall affect termite assemblages, to Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution!

17. February 2021
Becca took 3 minutes to summarize her dissertation for the 3-Minute-Thesis competition. Check out her video here and be sure to vote her in for the People’s Choice Award!

01. February 2021
Becca recently started an internship working with the USGS National Climate Adaptation Science Center looking at how insects shift ranges in response to climate change.

27. January 2021
Abbey was named a Cosmos Scholar and recieved funding for her research proposal titled: If a tree rots in the forest: Linking deadwood decay to greenhouse gas emissions.

26. January 2021
Welcome to the Zanne Lab website revamp!