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Zanne Lab member from 2017 to 2022, now working on a postdoc studying aphids with the USDA.
Role: PhD student studying Australian termites from evolutionary and biogeochemical perspectives
email: rebeccaclement@gwu.edu
In the Zanne Lab from 2019 to 2022, now a researcher in Denver working on carbon emissions and nature based solutions.
Role: Masters student studying carbon cycling in urban systems, patchy ecosystems and marine-terrestrial interfaces
email: mrosenfield@gwmail.gwu.edu
Role: Undergraduate Student studying the mechanisms and predictors of flower phenology shifts as well as the implications of global change on plant distribution and ecosystem function
email: kbartlett99@gwmail.gwu.edu
Role: Undergraduate Student studying how plants develop strategies for survival, growth and reproduction, plant diversity and adaptive radiation
email: noracavanaugh@gwmail.gwu.edu
In the Zanne Lab from 2018 to December 2020, now a PhD student at Stanford University.
Role: Honors Undergraduate student, studied wood decomposition and its influence in carbon cycling within various biomes
email: lneftaliem@gwmail.gwu.edu
In the Zanne Lab March 2018 to December 2020, now a Data Curation Analyst at TERN.
Role: Postdoc stationed in Cairns, Australia, collaborated and deployed the wood, termite, and fungi (WTF) project
email: habacucfm@gmail.com
In the Zanne Lab until 2020, now a postdoc in Christine Hawkes’ new lab at NC State University
Role: Postdoc
email: marissaruthlee@gmail.com
In the Zanne Lab 2012 to 2015, now a Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at New College of Florida
Role: Postdoctoral Scientist & Adjunct Instructor
email: boberle@ncf.edu
Marc Rosenfield
Rebecca Clement
Rose Cheney
Kelsey Bartlett
Nora Cavanaugh
Leona Neftaliem
Habacuc Flores-Moreno
Marissa Lee
Amy Milo
Tania Fort
Justin Hachey
Henry Betts
Oyomoare Osazuwa-Peters
Brad Oberle
Roy Rich
Luke McCormack
Mike Boyher
Justin Collins
Bryan Cordes
Maranda Evans
Andrew Harrington
Haris Lalic
Andrew Miller
Rachel Milner
Payal Patel
Mariya Shcheglovitova
Laura Bader
Juan-Carlos Penagos
Chris Riggs
Gonzalo Rivas
Shannon Shanafelt
Sheila Strickland
John Sweeney
Mandy Terry
Vania Torrez
Elvis Valderrama
Nicole Butler
Neeki Ahmadi